About Us
Naot Farm was established in 2003 in Ramat Hanegev, on road 40, in the outskirts of Sde Boker. An old dream of ours – Lea and Gadi Nahimov – that came to life with hard work and great pleasure. Within a short while, a quiet, welcoming corner was formed which looked like it was always here…
The farm is situated in an enclave surrounded by bare hill; the Beer – Hail stream passes through its foothills with its natural and impressive cliffs. When constructing the farm, we gave proper respect to the natural desert landscape, the local greenery that adds color, and the delicate farm lighting does not outshine the moon and stars.
In our previous life we worked in the big city. We travelled in our free time – mostly in the desert, and we used to dream. We got our six children hooked on the Bodedim Farm idea as well, and along the years all of us have experimented with every type of manual labor. Close after making the decision to go up to the Negev, we started working with goats and make cheese in Har Haruach Farm. 50 young goats came to our house in the village and the entire family helped in the preparations.
The first several days in the farm were fairytale-like – a tent in the middle of nowhere, 50 young goats and a pack of vibrant dogs, with no water, electricity or bathroom. Only nature and us. Wake up when the sun rises and go to sleep when it sets, all the while constructing a pen. We would go about this way for months – with childlike enthusiasm – full of willpower and sky-reaching plans – before we started to see some results.
With time, you get acquainted with the desert – the wings, voices, small and large animals – from spiny mice and rock partridges to wolves and hyenas, a spectacular flood in the stream, a surprising blossom after the rain, the sky’s milky way, and the quiet – mostly the quiet.
Our small pen is ever-developing – young goats become mothers, many new, sweet and attention-seeking goats are being added and of course – the milk pours… it is time to start making some cheese! In July 2004 the dairy farm was officially opened, and our small shop started to sell the produce. Things moved ahead fast – within less than a year, the first 2 guest cabins are established, the pen doubles in size, and we are at the highlight of our making.
We have expanded with time – more cabins, another pen, a cheese delivery truck in the center, a restaurant and sheep – until a decision was made in 2015 – we’re cutting back a bit. The fine cheeses are sold in the farm only, next to quality products from the surrounding areas; the restaurant is turning into a special guest house; the sheep is small and compatible with the new needs; and we are focusing on what we have and find the time to enjoy all that we have worked for.

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