Contact Us

You are welcome to contact us now with any question, request, order, offer or other matter!

Lea and Gadi Nahimov

Our Opening Hours

The cheese shop is open from sunrise to sunset.

If there is no reply, leave a message and we will get back to you soon.


From the Arava and Dead Sea:

Drive straight in road 25 towards Dimona for about 35 kilometers,
turn left to road 204 immediately after the city.

After 12 kilometers you arrive at Yeruham Intersection, where you will turn right to road 224 for another 12 kilometers until you reach the Negev Intersection.

Turn left at the Negev Intersection and drive for about another 10 kilometers until you have reached Talalim Intersection,
where you will turn left and drive 3.5 kilometers until you can see the farm (on your right).

From the South:

From Mitzpe Ramon drive towards Beer Sheva
After about 35 kilometers, you arrive at Halukim Intersection and turn left.

After about another 10 kilometers, you can see a large boulder on your right with cranes,
the farm is situated across from it, on the left side of the road.

Attention! No signs directing to the farm from those coming from the south

From the North:

Head straight on road 40 through the Beer Sheva bypass until you reach Ohalim intersection.
Turn left.

After a short drive, you can see Ramat Hovav on your right. Continue driving, straight ahead in the Negev Intersection until you reach Talalim Intersection.

Turn left at Talalim Intersection according to road signs directing to Eilat and Mitzpe Ramon, and after driving for about three and a half kilometers, you can see us (on your right).