Terrain Vehicles

Our area has many tracks for terrain vehicles in a selection of difficulty levels and lengths. You can travel with any vehicle type and if you do not own a 4*4 vehicle, we highly recommend that you take a tour with a jeep and guide. To schedule a trip – Adam Sella 0505308272 Ohad 0503833929 […]

Bike Tours

bicycle trips

Halukim Single – dirt road + single, medium riding level, average riding duration 3-4 hoursTrack length 25km not suited for families Zin Field – classic family track, very easy, planar with spectacular landscapes.Length about 5km, suits everyone. Yeruham Single – dirt road + single, medium+ riding level, average riding duration 4 hoursTrack length 33km not […]

Yemin Stream

gev yamin

Yemin Stream flows from Yemin Plane, east of the great crater (25 minutes of drive from the farm). When the road meets the stream, there is an overnight parking lot where you can leave your vehicle. The stream is dry most year but has three natural pools that accumulate flood water for several weeks. From the […]

Noked Stream

Noked Stream gained its name from Israeli settlers who came to Ramat Hanegev in the mid-20th century. The stream was called by locals, for hundreds of years, “Etz Stream”, named after the giant, increasing Negev method in the stream. The stream’s slopes have tulips blossoming in-between the rocks during springtime.The track is a roundtrip about three […]

Hazaz Stream and the Daffodils Blossom

Daffodils blooming at wadi Hatzatz

Daffodils are known for blossoming in swamplands; however, in our neighborhood they fully blossom from within the desert surface of Hazaz Stream. It is an easy work that also suits families. As you keep going forward, you find more and more daffodils. It is a spectacular view and the contrast raises memories of fairytales.

The Sternbergian Blossom


Sternbergian species only blossom at several locals in Israel, one of which is right next to us, and only for several weeks in October/November. The road there takes about 15 minutes of walk but is unmarked. We would be happy to give our guests directions.

Zror Mountain and Stream

zror mountain

A turn to Zin Field about 2km south of the Sde Boker Kibbutz’s gas station, brown sign for Messad Zin, the vehicle can stay behind in the old landing ground of David Ben Gurion, a walk on the marked road toward Zror Mountain (no significant climbing at this point). The mountain allows observation of the […]